
Installation Python 3.9 Linux Debian

  1. Check version of Python

    python --version
  2. Update repo

    sudo apt update
  3. Install Supporting Software

    sudo apt install software-properties-common
  4. Add Deadsnakes PPA

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    sudo apt update
  5. Install Python 3.9

    sudo apt install python3.9
  6. Check Python version

    python3 --version

PIP Installation Linux Debian

  1. Update system

    Run the command below:

    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install pip3

    If Python 3 has already been installed on the system, execute the command below to install pip3:

    sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
  3. Verification

    To verify the installation, run the following command to cross check the version number:

    pip3 --version