
Crontab Commands

The crontab command is used to edit, list, and remove the cron jobs:

  • crontab -e To edit current user’s crontab file

  • crontab -l To display contents of the crontab file

  • crontab -u [username] To edit any other user’s crontab file

  • crontab -r To remove the crontab file of the current user’s

  • crontab -i To display a prompt before removing the current user’s crontab file

Service cron

Start cron

sudo service cron start

Restart cron

sudo service cron restart

Stop cron

sudo service cron stop

Status cron

sudo service cron status

Examples of Cron Jobs

Here are a few examples of cron jobs:

Run a cron job every 15 minutes

To schedule a cron job to run every 15 minutes, add the below line in the crontab file:

*/15 * * * * command/script

Run a cron job at 5 am every day

To schedule a cron job to run at 5 am every day, add the below line in the crontab file:

0 5 * * * command/script